There are several different types of legal documents that must be notarized before they are considered legally binding and enforceable. Unfortunately, in the midst of coronavirus-related quarantines, as well as the shutdown of all non-essential businesses, many people are unsure of how to proceed when it comes to having important estate planning documents notarized. Please continue reading and speak with our knowledgeable Maryland estate planning attorney to learn more about notarizing documents in the wake of COVID-19.
If you wish to have an estate planning document notarized, such as a financial power of attorney, under normal circumstances, you will have to physically appear in front of the notary public. Though you do not always have to sign the document directly in front of the notary, the notary must witness you proving that you are, in fact, the person signing the document. That being said, many states across the country are now signing orders to allow RON, or remote online notarization, which means in many cases, notaries can conduct their business online. At this point, Maryland is a state in session with an active RON bill.
If, however, you are unable to do this and need a critical document notarized, there are certain things you may still do. For example, you may be able to find a notary willing to meet you in a parking lot, where they can witness you sign a critical document through the window of your car. Individuals can use various means to have documents notarized, as long as a notary agrees they are valid. For any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced Maryland estate planning attorney today.
Contact our experienced Maryland firm
The attorneys at JD Katz have years of experience compassionately guiding clients in Maryland through the estate planning and administration process. Our firm also has experience with matters of elder law, business law, tax law, and litigation. For a legal team that will put your needs first, contact JD Katz today.