What happens if someone changes their name after writing a will?


There are numerous reasons why a person may choose to change their name. When an individual changes their name, they may wonder how this change could affect their inheritance if they are included in a will that has not been kept up-to-date and does not reflect their new name. Essentially, when it comes to drafting a will, the wording is everything. If your wording is unclear or too vague to understand who your intended beneficiaries are, it could affect whether they receive their inheritance after you’ve departed. It is imperative to use precise language when stipulating your wishes in a will. Although the law often recognizes that people change their names for personal reasons or because of marriage, issues can still arise as you may not specify enough about who your intended beneficiaries are. To avoid any future complications, it is important to use accurate language when dictating how you want your assets to be distributed after you’ve departed. If you are interested in drafting a will, contact an adept Montgomery County Will Drafting Attorney who can help you protect your hard-earned assets. In addition, please continue reading to learn how our skilled attorneys can assist you in making your will specific enough to avoid any future complications when it comes time to distribute assets to your intended beneficiaries.

How does a name change affect a will?

If an intended beneficiary changes their name, you should reflect that in your will to ensure no issues come up later on when it comes time to distribute your assets. It is important regardless of a name change, to keep your will up-to-date to reflect your current situation. The wording of a will is extremely crucial. If there is a vagueness to who you intended your assets to be transferred, it could lead to complications. To ensure after you’ve departed that your wishes are honored and carried through properly, our seasoned attorneys can help you dictate your wishes clearly without any confusion to ensure your assets are transferred to whom you intended after you’ve departed. Sometimes it’s best to include personal information about the intended beneficiary such as their birthday, address, and relationship with the will writer. This way no future complications arise when distributing assets because there is no confusion about who the will writer intended their assets to be transferred to. Ultimately, to ensure your intended beneficiaries receive their intended inheritance after you’ve departed change your will accordingly to reflect their name change.

If you are considering creating a will, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our dedicated and qualified attorneys. With years of experience, we can help you protect your hard-earned assets. Our firm is committed to helping our clients accurately communicate their intended wishes for who they wish to receive their assets after they’ve departed to avoid future complications.